Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowy Saturdays

Snow is covering the ground at Ben's house. Neither of his parents have any intention of taking Ben out in the snow and the cold 19 degree weather. But because its a snowy day, here are some pictures of Ben from the December snowstorm.

I can't put my arms down!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Weekend Update

Ben is 3 months old today!

The last few days have been quite eventful at Ben's house. Last Friday Ben's mommy had to return to work. Ben is attending a daycare/preschool close to his mommy's office. His first day of school was a lot harder for his mommy than it was for him. The teachers at the school all love him, and have even remarked that he is the most easygoing baby they have ever had!

All Ready for his First Day at Daycare!

On Monday Ben's mommy was allowed to take home Ben's very first art project! He painted a polar bear. He's done several other art projects as well. His Aunt Mary has declared him a child prodigy! He must be having lots of fun during the day because in the evenings he is exhausted.

As noted in yesterday's blog, Ben rolled over for the very first time yesterday. It didn't even phase him. All the tummy time is really paying off for him! His doggie Pearl also tried to bond with him! While Ben was asleep in his swing Pearl was playing with his mommy. All of a sudden Pearl picked up her favorite ball and dropped in Ben's swing with him. Once she realized Ben wasn't going to play with her, she promptly picked it up and took it back. (Minnie was too busy stalking the cat to bother with Pearl or Ben.)

Tonight brought new and exciting things as well. It's just past 9 p.m. and Ben is fast his crib. He's been sleeping in a pack n' play in his parents' room and going to bed later, but with mommy's 6 a.m. wake-up every morning, he needed an earlier bedtime. (Mommy gets to the office at 7:30 a.m. so she can leave early and spend more quality time with Ben!) Mommy decided for now he would go to bed around 8 p.m., but move into her bedroom each evening when she goes to bed. (She has separation anxiety and is secretly afraid she will become the Blackhawk version of a helicopter mom!)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rocking and Rolling Over

All that tummy time has finally paid off for Benjamin! This evening he did the most amazing thing ever...

HE ROLLED OVER! He started on his tummy and the next thing you know, he was rolling onto his back. Pretty impressive don't you think?

Afterwards he posed for the camera. (He was quite proud of himself.)

His daddy put him on his back to see if he'd try to roll over from his back to his tummy. Benjamin gave it his best try, but he just couldn't quite get all the way over...

All that hard work was pretty tiring. Ben was asleep less than thirty minutes after his amazing endeavor.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeremy bought Ben this little onesie (in case you can't read it, it says "chubby") for Christmas. After hearing the onesie said "chubby", Ben was very concerned about his weight. He tried to pose for the camera by sucking in his stomach in order to look less chubby. (Did he learn this trick from you Aunt Mary?)

However, after his mommy explained that "chubby" was a good thing with babies, Ben relaxed and was less concerned about the camera.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cuteness Captured

Aunt Mary came to visit Benjamin this weekend. Fun times were had by all. While hanging out with Ben on Saturday night, Aunt Mary snapped this adorable picture with her cellphone.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More Tummy Time

Santa brought Ben a Little Einstein playmat and Ben uses it every day!!

It's harder than it looks folks. That head weighs a lot!!

Ben must know he's a cutie pie because he likes to stare at himself in the mirror during tummy time.

He can stare at himself for a very long time--- he must take after his Aunt Mary!

Here he took a break from the mirror in order to pose for the camera (again, he must take after his Aunt Mary.)

In the picture above, Ben was laying on his back and trying his best to roll over onto his tummy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bonding with Daddy

Last Wednesday Mommy got her hair done and she had a date with some of her girlfriends. This meant Ben got to spend quality time with his daddy! In honor of this special occasion, Mommy dressed Ben up all manly... in camo!!

Mommy wasn't there, so she can't be sure what happened during the man's night, but she is sure there was burping and farting involved!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Going to (Great) Grandma's

Ben had an exciting weekend! He visited his mommy's hometown of Wise. More importantly, he finally got to meet his great-grandma Macel (Mamaw).

He had already met his great-grandma Zella (Mawmaw), but hadn't had the chance to meet Mamaw, his great-grandma Maryanne (Geemoo), or great-grandpa Pete (Daddy Pete). He hopes to meet Geemoo and Daddy Pete soon too!

Ben also got to meet his great-aunt Fern and his cousin Lizabeth.

The trip to Wise was all in one day, and Ben handled the drive like a pro! He obviously takes after his mommy.

Today Ben visited his church's nursery for the very first time! He had been to church on a Sunday only once before, but that was to play baby Jesus. The ladies in the nursery loved Ben and one even wanted to take him home with her!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ben's Exciting Day

Yesterday was a very exciting day at our house. Around 2 p.m., the doggies started going nuts. Ben's mommy went to investigate. As she walked in the kitchen she smelled something burning. The smell got stronger as she went downstairs to the family room and into the basement. The basement was hazy and the burning smell was strong. Mommy called daddy and told him the only thing running was the washing machine. She unplugged it. She then got worried that perhaps it was the furnace burning, so she cut off the heat and at the urging of daddy, she called the fire department.

Mommy assured the dispatcher there was no huge emergency, but there was a burning smell and she could not tell what was causing it. A few minutes later a fire truck appeared... and an ambulance... and a policeman... and the fire chief!

The firefighters pinpointed the site of the smell- the washing machine was burning! After completing their investigation they left..... so what was Ben doing during all this excitement?

NAPPING! Does he remain cool under pressure or what?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Benjamin's weekend with the grandparents

Benjamin had a very exciting weekend! His grandparents (Grammy and Grandpa or Papaw or Pawpaw or whatever comes out of Ben's mouth when he first says his name) came to visit from the far-away land of Wise to finally celebrate Christmas! Ben received books, cute clothes, teething toys and an EXERSAUCER!!! As you can see Ben was very happy that his grandparents came to visit.

He played a lot with his grandpa and slept in his grammy's arms (sorry grammy we have no pictures of this.) He even stayed at home with his grandparents while his mommy and daddy went to see a movie (their first movie date since before he was born!)

He was sad to see them leave, but knows they will come back to visit soon if his grammy has her way!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bath time is funtime!

Ben recognizes the importance of smelling good for the ladies... that being said, bath time is easy peezy lemon squeezy in the Janoschka household!

What female could resist such a cute little boy in polar bear pajamas?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

10 weeks old!

Ben is 10 weeks old today! In honor of this milestone, here are some of Ben's mommy's favorite pictures from the past 10 weeks:

This picture was taken without Ben's mommy realizing it when Ben was just one day old. Both Ben and his mommy were very tired!

Mommy and Ben hanging out together when Ben was just over a week old!

Daddy and Ben are both really good at sleeping. Daddy is much better at sleeping at night though!

The first family picture. In all the excitement at the hospital after his birth, no picture was taken of the happy family.

Can babies get any cuter than this?

Ben on his first trip away from home. He was on his way to visit his pediatrician. (Ben was mentally preparing himself for the trip.)

Go Hokies!!

Too freakin' cute!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Identity Crisis

In his young life, Ben has struggled to identify himself...

One night he decided to be Elvis... and discovered he wasn't allowed to eat fried peanut butter sandwiches....

He thought about being a monkey, but his mom explained what happened to the monkeys who jumped on the bed and he wanted none of that!

He tried being Winnie the Pooh, but discovered pots of honey were off limits!

He didn't willingly attempt to be a duck. His silly mommy and daddy put this hat on him, and he wasn't too happy.

He tried to be a tough guy for a day, but it just didn't work out because he was just too sweet!

He even tried out being a Tennessee Vol, but discovered he couldn't handle being a loser... so....

He decided to just keep being cute and adorable!!!